Katherine, I'm really curious how you came to realize you needed to calculate a payroll ratio finally? Sound like lightening bolt?

Asking both because I spend way too much timing thinking about is how little good finance info there is out there (a couple mediocre books by white men...), and I'm curious where and how folks get basics when they get them; comp load is one so many people never look at till someone (me) tells them too, and it's a source of so much strife. I love seeing all your math! :)

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Once again thank you for sharing so openly. It really does make a difference to those of us who are facing similar challenges. I’m in the UK but things are exactly the same here. You don’t need a business licence to open a retail shop here. You don’t need any official permissions, just sign a contract with your private landlord that you’ll pay the money every month!

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Thank you for this— I love that you go through all the calculations. I truly (and selfishly) hope that talking through these numbers is more fun, and feels more worth your effort, for you than teaching a class on plants. 😂

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